CrimeClub Maffia RPG

There are currently 0 players online!

  • Online Mafia RPG

    In the world of Mafiasource you can conquer the States and Cities of America together with friends and family

  • Carjacking

    Steal the most beautiful vehicles and fill multiple garages with these beauties!

  • Smuggle drugs

    Develop the best smugglers route and make millions as you evolve in all kinds of levels!

  • Build an empire

    Poses multiple buildings or rob others their possessions and be able to call yourself the king of certain states or cities!

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Install App Rewards: 1st = €116 | 2nd = €56 | 3rd = €28

Game Statistics

#1 Player: West2
Newest member: West5

Best family: Test
Most family money: Test

Killerking: West2
Most honored: West

Recently 0 players have been murdered

A total amount of 1.8K+ units were smuggled in and outside of the states

Our players have won a total amount of 285 Credits

this is our Third round since Nov 18th


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